Publications des travaux de deux partenaires à ABZ 2020

Guillaume Dupont, Yamine Aït Ameur, Marc Pantel, Neeraj Kumar Singh:
Formally Verified Architecture Patterns of Hybrid Systems Using Proof and Refinement with Event-B. ABZ 2020: 169-185

Modelling Hybrid Programs with Event-B. ABZ 2020: 139-154

Meryem Afendi:
A Correct by Construction Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems in Event-B. ABZ2020: 401-404


Héctor Ruíz Barradas, Lilian Burdy, David Déharbe:
Existence Proof Obligations for Constraints, Properties and Invariants in Atelier B. ABZ 2020: 255-259

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